Selasa, 22 Desember 2015


Greetings with a betty-smile
Feeling blue~
Today, my lecturer told our class to make a diary (another assignment yeay!). At first, I’m a bit confused. Why? I used to write a diary in elementary school and it’s been a long time since that moment. So, here, let’s take a look about a brief explanation about diary.

What Is DIARY?
A diary (sometimes referred to as journal or notebook) is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. A personal diary may include a person's experiences, and/or thoughts or feelings, including comment on current events outside the writer's direct experience. Someone who keeps a diary is known as a diarist.
The word "journal" may be sometimes used for "diary," but generally a diary has (or intends to have) daily entries, whereas journal-writing can be less frequent.
Although a diary may provide information for a memoir, autobiography or biography, it is generally written not with the intention of being published as it stands, but for the author's own use.
By extension the term diary is also used to mean a printed publication of a written diary; and may also refer to other terms of journal including electronic formats (e.g., blogs).

Why do we have to start keeping a diary? Why am I doing this kind of thing? I mean, today lesson is especially great because I took a moment to think about what I’ve made in the past and by writing a journal or diary, I’m able to write what I believe in, how I feel, what my goals are and I can transfer my problem into a diary, so, later, I can make problem-solving to my problems (reflection). Writing a diary itself, I feel like I’m having a dialogue to myself, another me. By writing a journal, I think that it allows us to see how far we’ve changed over time. It make us understand our self-better. That’s how I’m starting to write a journal/diary. Here, I will give you tips and reasons why you have to start putting pen to paper.

How to write a diary?
1.      Buy a diary (it can be anything, your school book or even a small note book!)
2.      Personalizing your diary(it helps you to boost your energy to write a journal)
3.      Consider your diary type( it’s actually up to you, whether you want to make it all the same but if you want to make it unique or something, you better make your own style of diary)
4.      Decide where to store you diary
5.      Be honest
6.      Write your thoughts and feelings
7.      Write dates
8.      Give your entry a title
9.      Be detailed
10.  Record your normal events and special events
11.  Asses your mistakes
12.  Start makes your own diary!
And the last one, my lovely-journal-and-also-my-assignment

So I’m going to tell you about what was happening last time my puccino
Can I just tell you about it uh?          

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”
André Gide, Autumn Leaves

The sky tonight is crystal clear          
The moon that embraces me
Everyday, every-night
They were sent to pacify me, my soul
I’m floating around alone
Everyone around me is leaving
I’m used to being silent, and I know it’s more comfortable
The fact that there’s no way anyone would listen to me
Slowly getting farther away and isolated                
When I look into my eyes in the mirror. I see my self
Tears are about to fall down
If  I hold it in, will they see it? Will they recognize it?
Will someone warmly tell me it’s alright?
Even if  I call out with a small voice or roaring, there’s no use, I’m losing it again
They brought me here, where not even light laughter is allowed

p.s) note to you
Can’t I just say nothing to you?
I always try to comfort you
But how to do? I’m not your black night nor your white knight
I will not pass the fact that you ignored me
Every now and then
It’s been so hard for me
I meet you there every so often                   
You told me to be everything
But you know I’m nothing compares to them, uh?
I hope that you will understand
Truly cares for my feeling
Every man has his price, but I’m NOT
Don’t try to persuade me
You are just not one of a kind                       
You told me that I’m a back number
But i know that Every cloud has a silver lining
So I’m probably having some gloomy or whatever hahaha 

Thank you my puccino

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