Sabtu, 07 November 2015

Giving Directions

A second post is coming~~
So here’s my second post, my second writing assignment *never mind
Today’s post is about “giving direction”
Some people will get confuse for sure or even worse they might get lost if you don’t give them a clear explanation about the route.

So what is actually that we can do to help?

1.      Think of the simplest route
Of course you don’t want to make a person lost because of your “too much” explanation
2.      Simplify the directions
Turn left onto PLA instead of saying if you look the PLA building you have to turn left
3.      Say which side of the street their destination is on
The PLA building is right on your right side
4.      Use transitions
Separate each leg of the route with a transition
5.      Mention the Landmark
If you see a fountain that is GK4
6.      Repeat Yourself the directions
Repeat again your directions in case of they don’t understand your directions
7.      Clarify
Clarify whether they understand the route

*Another tips for English learner
1.      Use basic English to offer directions.
2.      Short phrases are best.
3.      Speak slowly and use very careful pronunciation.
4.      Spell out a word if necessary.

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