Selasa, 19 April 2016

Narrative text

"Baekhyun The Tiny Hero"

            Long time ago, there lived a young man named Baekhyun. He was so small, about three feet tall. He was always mocked by other villagers, but he kept walking and didn't care what others said, he was proud of himself. 

            One day, the King declared, “Whoever could kill the dragon I will marry him with my daughter, and if you're a woman, I will adopt you as my daughter”. Everybody was so excited about the declaration. The news was spreading so fast. Every best warrior, fighter, knight and dragon hunter from all over the country went and trying to fight the dragon. They used every weapon they had, sword, hammer, axe, arrows and others. But the result was the same, the dragon was too strong, many warriors have died in the process. The King realized that this contest was too risky and might make the dragon angry and attacked the country. Baekhyun was interested with the contest, since he already fallen in love with the princess from a very long time ago. But, he knew, he can't fight the dragon with just normal tactic, so, he went to other country to learn about the dragon's weakness.

Next day, he decided to travel around the countries in search of the dragon weakness. He read all the books about dragons in every library he visited. Then, he figured out that the dragon can't move if it's tail and wings tied up. So, he went to find the strongest and longest rope to tie the dragon and prove to the villagers that he can defeat the dragon with his tiny body.  After he found it, he came back to the village and tell everyone that he could kill the dragon, everyone was laughing and said "            Baekhyun, you’re too small to fight the dragon, you can get killed, little guy". He didn't listen to them and he said that he will do as what he has planned. 

Then, he prepared everything and ready to go. He went to the dragon cave. The cave was quite far from the village, it’ll take him 3 days to arrive at the dragon’s cave. On the first day, he started his journey and it was a good day since he had prepared for everything. Suddenly, storm came and it made him had to took a shelter under a very big tree. There, he decided to took a rest and slept there tonight.

Next day, he continued his journey to kill the dragon. Suddenly, he met an old man and the old male looked pale and weak, he also brought a big thing on his back. Baekhyun helped him and escorted him to the old man house which wasn’t too far from there. Then, he found out that the old man used to be a blacksmith during his younger year. Baekhyun asked him whether he had a good sword to kill a dragon. Then, the old man gave him a short sword that made out of the best steel and forged with great fire that made it so sharp. Then, Baekhyun took the sword and saying goodbye to the oldman to continue his journey. But, the old man insisted to let Baekhyun stayed at his house for a while. Baekhyun accepted it, but, he had to leave early in the morning.

Next morning, he said good bye to the old blacksmith. The old blacksmith gave him a horse to made him arrived faster to the dragon’s cave. He arrived at the dragon’s cave in the mid-afternoon, then he waited until dark, when the dragons fall asleep, he could kill the dragon. The day changed into night and he entered the cave. It was a big cave with corpses of the defeated warrior laid all over the cave. He found a sword and he will use is to kill the dragon. After walking for a while, he found the dragon already fallen asleep. He approached the dragon and slowly tied the dragon wings and tail together. Then, he pulls the rope and made the dragon stacked and can't move or flew away. Then, he stabbed the dragon's heart and the dragon died instantly.

            After that, he returned to the blacksmith to return the horse, but the old blacksmith refuse and told him that he gave it, so no need to return it. He smiled and said thanks to the old blacksmith. After that, he returned to the village and told the king about his victory. Didn't believe what Baekhyun just said, the King followed him to the cave with his best warrior to protect him if anything happened. They went to the cave and they found the dragon was dead. After that, they returned
to the village and the king announced that the dragon had died and asked the whole country to say sorry to Baekhyun for what they had done to him and he declared Baekhyun as the hero. Then, he married the princess and everyone that mocked in the first place, now congratulating him and chanting his name and called him as " Baekhyun the tiny hero".


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