Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015


Good Day Folks!

So, today, I'd like to post about my conversation with a foreigner whom I met when she was in Jogjakarta a few months ago.
This actually my task from my lecturer. My lecturer told us to send an email to foreigner. Actually, I'm a bit desperate with this task because I have to wait them to reply my email lol.

Before I sent an email to Hyerim, I sent approximately 4 or 5 to native speaker in penpal but none of them reply my email yet until now haha. So, I asked Hyerim to give her e-mail to me haha, She's not a native speaker, she's from South Korea but she's sure a nice friend to talk and chat with. Unfortunately, she's in the middle of preparation for her final exam, so, she's a bit busy but despite her busy schedule, she's really kind that she replied my e-mail and help me with the assignment.

Let's check my conversation( Well, this is not occasionally a conversation, it's a-web-letter whatever hahah)

 Here is some tips for you, if you want to write an email to someone.Tips for writing an email:

1.      Begin with a greeting

2.      Thank the recipient

3.      State your purpose

4.      Add your closing remarks

5.      Closing

What's important when you send an email
1.      Don't send heavy attachment

2.      Write a simple and direct English

3.      Don’t use too much slang or abbreviation

Let's try to send a better email and make sure that you'll try exchange email with foreigner to boost your English skill and also make you understand better about cross-cultural-environment



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