Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

A Slice Of My Passion

Good day folks!
So, today, I’d like to post about one of my passion! Eating! To be more specific, it’s Korean School!.

Well, I have a big passion when it comes to South Korea! I just can’t contain my feeling haha. My lecturer gave us an instruction to make “something” (re: blog post) for our next project and it can be anything that you want. I decided to go with (of course) Korean things. The thing that attracted me a lot is Korean studying habit and their school life environment. I don’t know why I am so into and obsessed with their studying lifestyle. Once I was in high school, I even imitated South Korean studying style. I was searching all over Google and YouTube about Korean school, all about them and found a-really-fascinating-fact that I find is really cool. I know for a fact that most Korean students absolutely hate being at school for all hours of the day but I find it’s really interesting to have an-studying-like-environment around me. I like how the students look really cool just by watching them studying.
So, today, I’d like to discuss about South Korea studying habit and a bit of information and description about Korean school (to be more specific, I’m going to discuss about Korean high schools). I’m trying my best top show you a life of Korean students and if I made a mistake about it or you have any information for me, I’d love to hear that! Enjoy!.


KOREAN SCHOOL TIME (A day of Korean students)

Many of you must be wondering on how much does South Korean students spend at school. What I found after I did some research is that they spend almost half of their times at school and generally, the older you are, the longer you stay in school and study. Things get worse if you are a high school senior and preparing for the college entrance. They will go to school around 7.00 am and returning at around midnight or even later than that when the students join another course after finishing their self-studying time and even some of them still get their private course coming to their home. The students in South Korea have to deal with crazy tight schedule for their college entrance test.

FYI all of us know that Korean students are smart. They consistently rank among the top performing students in the world, especially in math, but it’s no surprise since they spend crazy amounts of studying and they are studying relentlessness.
The most interesting part for me is self-studying time that South Korean students do after school. They are studying like crazy and still they are doing in it with a big burden. Most of Korean Student set their goals to enter SKY universities (SKY is an acronym used to refer to the three most prestigious universities in South Korea: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei Universities) in order to catch their goals they really put their efforts into studying, so, their parents will be proud of them. A bit of information, when they succeed in entering SKY universities, it means the worlds for them because it’s been the hope and desires for Korean students and it will be certain for them to get a prestigious job or at least you will get a good job for sure. Another prestigious high school that have been the hope are KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and Postech (Pohang University of Science and Technology).


The year of hell is coming for Korean high school students school students. For sure, the amount of self-studying time will increase. It’s a must for all seniors in Korean high school to do self-studying. After finishing all classes, students eat their dinner and go back to class room to do self-studying time. They will have their teacher ask them to make study plan before self-studying time. Almost the students feel too much pressure from self-studying time. A lot of distractions are coming to them as they are doing their self-study time. They are sleepy, hungry and bored with this activity. 
What they are doing usually while self-studying time?
1.      Listening to music
The students feels like, by listening to music, they are able to concentrate to the subject that they are learning. Plus, they will not get bored.
2.      Highlights the important point
By highlighting the important point, later, it will help them to remember.
3.      Make memory tree
It will be easier for them to memorize.
4.      Sticky notes everywhere
Sticky notes does help you a lot to provide more clear information and important sentences or formula (I find this interesting. I’m starting to use stick notes after I watched some documentary of self-studying in Korean school lol).

I found that Korean school have a special self-studying room for top grades student, where the desks are different from the classrooms. Although not every school has this kind of policy, most of them are using the same desks despite what ranks they are.


What is hagwon?
Hagwon (Korean: 학원; also hagweon or hakwon) is the Korean-language word for a for-profit private institute, academy or cram school prevalent in South Korea. Although most widely known for their role as "cram schools", where children can study to improve scores, hagwon actually perform several educational functions: they provide supplementary education that many children need just to keep up with the regular school curriculum, remedial education for the children who fall behind in their work, training in areas not covered in schools, and preparation for students striving to improve test scores and preparing for the high school and university entrance examinations.
Hagwon is a common trend among students in South Korea, although they have their self-studying time at school, the parents still send their children to hagwon because they want their student go to a good college.

There is various type of hagwon. You can choose from the expensive one to the cheapest one, you can join the small group or the big ones.


As you guys know, we always imagine that type of school that we want to go to. When I watch Korean drama, they always show a cool type for me personally. Korean drama visualize Korean school in various way, they show us the luxurious school type to the normal school type. 


Why I don’t have those cute uniform back when I was a school student?__o__
I always wanted a couple of Korean student uniforms because they look cute yet it’s still look chic!
I don’t whether I will look good on them but absolutely, Korean students look good on them!
Okay, I’m obsessed with this hahaha.


Gosh, I adored their efforts in learning. I always wanted to look like them. So, when I was a senior in high school, I adopted their studying type, I even bought a study planner from online shopping to imitate them lol. I bought a stick notes XD and I acted as if I’m a Korean student lol. You have to know that I’m so obsessed with Korean school life since I was in junior high school hahaha.
By imitating them and act as if I’m a part of Korean student, it helps me a lot personally because I’m able to concentrate to the subject that I learn.


I’m absolutely want their school desks because they look chic -.- hehehe
The thing is that I didn’t have those cute and chic desks in my school era L hahaha. Just a bit story, I even told my parents about that and they bought me a table that looks like the one I watched on YouTube ( what an obsession I have lol).

How Cute >.<

Such a pity that I have to end this Korean session (re:assignment, blogpost)  lol but I will have another one in future heheh.
I’m trying my best to show you a life and a day of Korean students and if I made a mistake about it or you have any information for me, I’d love to hear that!write on comment box below if you have any questions or anything! hahah.

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